Kel Land

Kel Land #6

Full Name: Kelvin Shaun Land

Age: Yep!

Place of Birth: Sevenoaks, Kent

Height: 6’2″

Weight: Over

Shot: To pieces

Teams Played For: Easier to list teams not played for

Favourite Food: Take a look at my body – everything!

Favourite TV: Good or Bad Sex Guide and Food & Drink Show

Favourite Drink: Mineral water

Favourite Pastime: Pro bullshitting

Worst Moment: Last orders call

Best Moment: Last Tuesday’s final whistle against Slough (15th Nov – we lost away 2-22!)

I decided to come down to London to experience som valuable drinking time with the Clock End Crew and “Lion Head” (John Solihull) and to see if London is really all that expensive – it is! I also wanted to breathe the lovely fresh London air. At least I get some fresh air from smoking.

I’m also looking forward to meeting the supporters of Lee Valley and to do my best in helping out the Lions on and off the ice. It is my intention to coach the kids as well – at my age that’s everyone concerned at LV.

I hope the quiz night on Friday was a success for all involved. Just two questions! Will the person that could not spell BOB backwards and his pal who could not remember what colour Napoleon’s white horse was meet at the bar after the game because I reckon we have some things in common – ALCOHOLISM AND SENILE DEMENTIA!