SP Tigers Stockholm 28/09/85

Lee Valley Lions -v- SP Tigers (Stockholm)
28/09/85 (Lose 8-9)

No match report or statistics available for this game. However, the match programme of 27/09/86 contained a “Blast from the Past” column, author unknown, in which the following was shown for this tour Challenge game:

Lions’ Scorers: Ari Arvila 4+1, Janne Lehti 3+1, Peter Doig 1+0

“Lions iced three Juniors in this tour match against the Swedish team and were 1-7 down at 34:36. The Finns were let loose and pulled the score back to 4-7, but the Swedes rallied to 6-9 and clung on for the remaining 12 minutes.

“Ludek made his debut in this game, along with Colin Trew, playing outfield, and Jarvi DaCosta.”