Cardiff Devils 04/01/87

Lee Valley Lions -v- Cardiff Devils (A)
04/01/87 (Lose 5-10)

No match report or statistics available for this game. However, the match programme of 11/1/87 gave the unofficial scorers for the Lions as Janne Lehti 3+2, Charlie Mendl 1+0, Martyn Barratt 1+0, Geoff Delderfield 0+1 and Andy Leggatt 0+1.

Also worth a mention is a piece written by Mike Grafton on the 11/1/87 programme introduction page…

“Janne returned from Christmas back home to step straight on the coach for Cardiff last week, only to find he had just nine team-mates! Hence our Super-Finn had to play the whole game, by the end of which he looked as exhausted as I do after I’ve run for my 38 to the rink.

“There were two bright points in a dismal opening game for 1987. Jacko (Russ Jackson) was on top form, thrilling the 2,000 crowd with a brilliant display of netminding for the first two periods, to keep us in the game at 3 apiece. However Lawless, Olivier and guest Mark Howell ran riot on the flagging Lions defence in the final period to win comfortably 5-10. A disappointing defeat, but a useful workout for the ten players that turned up.

“The other good point was the icing of Charlie Mendl, who in the absence of the first line played alongside Martyn (Barratt) and Danny (Hodges). The former Pirate, Viking and Baron scored on his Lions debut and should fit in well with our new import on the first line (Chuck Brooks, who replaced Michael Barron)…

“On the subject of imports I was pleased, if not surprised, to see Perry Olivier signal his appreciation of our somewhat depleted support at Cardiff on Sunday, when the Devils went round on a lap of honour. Obviously he was impressed, but so are many others and it usually has to wait until the players are interviewed in the IHNR (Ice Hockey News Review) for the fact to become public knowledge. Well done, Perry, you put the Lions’ thanks in the shade.”

The same match programme also announced that Janne Lehti broke the Lions record for consecutive goal-scoring at the Cardiff game. Since being shut-out at Solihull on 26th January 1986, 50 weeks previously, Janne had scored at least once in his last 44 games!!! The previous record was held by Ari Arvila, with 43 games from 11/8/85 to 6/4/86.