I’m very sorry to have to announce netminder George Alley’s (hopefully temporary) retirement from the Lions and hockey in general. George has been a wonderful member of our team, he’s always been reliable and helpful and “the man in the know.” We’ll all miss you, George, and wish you lots of luck with your studies. Here’s his message to everyone:
“It is with deep regret that I announce my immediate departure from the Lions this week. I was going to hold this until after Sundays match in Swindon, but an injury to my glove hand means I won’t be travel so I have decided to bring this forward now.
Unfortunately University has taken over my life and as I’ve already explained to Coach Smolenko, I can’t commit to the team if my heart’s not 100% in it. This isn’t a knee jerk reaction, this has been thought about over and over for the last month or so. I haven’t wanted to be at training, games or indeed at my own home at points because of the impact my new life in Cambridge has had on me and it’s not fair on the team when someone supposed to be playing an important role for the squad keeps showing up with a frown because he doesn’t want to be anywhere near the rink.
Mercifully Coach Smolenko sympathises that I need to take some time out of the sport, how long for I’m not entirely certain but Andrew Boot who has already put in a stellar effort so far this campaign will no doubt in my eyes keep up the good work and won’t let you down.
My particular thanks go out to my brother Nick, Sue and Paul Ranby, coach Smolenko and the rest of the Lions for their continued support through was has been a very difficult time for the club and myself. Especially after my shameful exit in the Isle of Wight, for that I am eternally grateful.
But for now it’s adios and I wish the club and supporters nothing but the best of luck for the rest of the season.
All the best
George Alley”