First Period Blitz Gives Islanders Victory

With the final stretch of the season approaching, a short benched Lee Valley took on league leaders Peterborough Islanders, who were yet to lose in the league this season.

Lee Valley welcomed back Chris Fox from GB Universities duty, but were missing from the Lions’ line-up were Lee Hounslow, Sam Awoyemi, Ben Duffy, Robin Young, Oskar Horter, Joe Weare and Ross Sin-Hidge.

1st Period: Peterborough took off at a fast pace and were constantly in the Lions’ zone. Lee Valley’s lack of coverage in the neutral zone saw the Islanders go in front through Shaun Yardley (5:41, assist Hunter), an soon after Connor Stokes (6:11, assist Cetvertak) doubled for the guests, seeing George Alley call an early timeout for his team. It failed to stem the flow of Peterborough’s play though, James Pentecost (6:47, assists Connor Pollard, Nathan Pollard) then Connor Stokes (11:37, assist Bavin) added further goals before the Lions could respond. Good work by Jordan Turner allowed James Hepburn (13:00, assist Turner) to pull a goal back, but Peterborough scored twice more through Nathan Pollard (14:05, assists Yardley, Connor Pollard) and Deivid Cetvertak (PP goal 17:42, assists Brammall, Yardley) made it 6 for the Islanders at the break.

2nd Period: The visitors didn’t let off at the start of this period either, taking only 31 seconds to add to their lead when Clint Herring (20:31, assist Sansby) was allowed through on net. Despite some back and forth the Islanders tallied another goal, Herring (26:28, assists Hunter, Stokes) again making it 8-1. Discipline started to slip from both teams as Lee Valley’s frustration began to show, an total of 24 penalty minutes being called the period.

3rd Period: Despite the score-line, neither team let up physically with hits being thrown left, right and centre. A powerplay opportunity saw Lee Valley reduce the score, Nick Alley (PP goal 50:11, assists Matt Hepburn, Fox) but despite Peterborough’s high penalty count, the Lions couldn’t add to the scoreboard. The rest of the period was dominated by penalties to both sides before the game closed at 8-2 to Peterborough.


Final Score: Lee Valley Lions 2-8 Peterborough Islanders
Period Scores: 1-6/0-2/1-0
Shots: Lee Valley 35-46 Peterborough
Penalties: Lee Valley 18-48 Peterborough
Scorers: Lee Valley – Nick Alley & James Hepburn (1+0), Matt Hepburn, Chris Fox & Jordan Turner (0+1)
Peterborough – Connor Stokes (2+1), Shaun Yardley (1+2), Clint Herring (2+0), Nathan Pollard & Deivid Cetvertak (1+1), Connor Pollard & Connor Hunter (0+2), James Pentecost (1+0), Jack Sansby, Kenny Bavin & Jon Brammall (0+1)
Goaltenders: Lee Valley – James Andrew 46shots/8 goals, 82.61%
Peterborough – Daniel Lane 35 shots/2 goals, 94.29%

Man of the Match – Jordan Turner (LV), Nathan Pollard (Pet)

The Lions are back in action this Sunday (19/02) when Slough Jets visit Lee Valley Ice Centre. 

Face off is at 5:30pm.

Ticket and travel information can be found in the Game Day section of our website.

You can follow the Lions on Facebook & Twitter with #LeeValleyLions for up to date news and live scores.