Richard Smith

Lee Valley Lions Player Profile

Richard Smith – Forward

Full Name: Richard Smith

Date of Birth: 14/08/86

Place of Birth: Sidcup

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 65kg

Colour of Eyes: Blue

Shoe Size: 9

Nickname(s): Richie

Profession: Fitness Instructor – Swedish Masseur

Family/Marital Status: Single

Current Home: Sittingbourne

Pets: 2 cats

Favourite Food: Chicken legs

Favourite chocolate/sweets: Don’t really like chocolate, but sweets have gotta be wine gums!

Worst Food: Anything spicy

Favourite Drink: Jack Daniels ‘n’ Coke with loads of ice!

Hobbies: Ice hockey, other stuff that I can’t mention on the website 😉

Favourite room in the house and why: Bathroom ’cause I love falling asleep in the bath

Favourite TV programmes: Family Guy

TV switch-off: Big Brother

Favourite film: American History X

Favourite music/band: Music – indie, electro, most stuff really; bands – Arctic Monkeys among others

Last CD you bought: Just Jack album

First record/CD you ever bought: Sex and Candy – Marcy Playground

Most admired female: Mariah Carey

Best thing that’s ever happened to you: Getting my full motorbike licence and getting my bike

Former clubs: Invicta

Favourite hockey player: Not answered

Favourite rink: Guildford

Worst rink: Isle of Wight

Best ever game: Winning game of nationals with Invicta Devils

Worst ever game: Playing rec hockey, we got beaten 13-1

Worst injury: Putting scissors through my thumb

Favourite shirt number: 5 or 19

Best thing about hockey: Scoring on a break-away

Worst thing about hockey: Unfair calls from refs

Which other sportsman would you most like to be? Any, they’re all minted

If someone gave you £100,000 tomorrow what would you do with it? Put it in the bank and ask for the rest

If you were on Mastermind what would your specialist subject be? Nothing I’d be allowed to discuss on Mastermind