More new season signings

More familiar faces have returned to the Den for the 2013/14 season, namely Ashlee Cave (who left the Lions to play for Chelmsford) and Gennadi Yufit (who’d been with Streatham), together with some regulars.  This week I’m pleased to announce the following signings:

Ashlee Cave
Gennadi Yufit
Joe Berry
Jack Ball
James Hatfull
James Gosling
James Hepburn

Photos and report from Bristol away game

Graham Goodman, aka Flyfifer, has kindly permitted me to post some of his fab photos from last weekend’s Bristol away game on the site, together with the individual player photos he’s taken.  He also has them available on his Facebook page those those who want to “tag” themselves. Also, Graham wrote an article on the game for the Bristol Post newspaper, which was posted to their website too. Many thanks to Graham for everything.