Richmond Flyers 17/07/85

Lee Valley Lions -v- Richmond Flyers
17/07/85 (Tie 2-2)




Additional Comments:

I don’t much information about this game, other than the fact that it was an all-British game – neither side played any imports and the final score was 2-2 (thanks to Will Freeman for those facts). Here is what was written on the match programme introduction page (author unknown, but believed to be Mike Grafton, AKA Mike Ewer):

“Welcome back to the Lions’ den for our pre-season challenge match against Richmond Flyers tonight. Those of you who read the hockey papers will know that Manager, Mike Smith, placed some prominent adverts in Ice Hockey World at the tail end of last season, inviting top-class players to try out for our team.

“The response has been great but Mike has been very selective and tonight you will have the chance of seeing some of our new boys in action. The final selection for tonight’s line-up was not confirmed at the time of writing but the Lions will be icing only British-born players, and as we now have an abundance of talent you can be sure that each player will be doing his best to secure a regular team-place for this coming season.

“Amongst the new lads are forwards Chris and Andy Leggatt, both formerly Streatham Redskins regulars, especially so Chris, the elder brother, who has been a stalwart and high scorer for the Redskins for many seasons. Young Andy, not long out of Junior hockey, is a regular buzz-bomb.

“From Altrincham we have secured the services of Gary Bayliss, a most experienced player and a great aquisition for the Lions. The Lions’ coach will be Will Fish, our popular American defenceman of last season. He will be devoting his energies entirely to coaching and not playing unless one of our imports is incapacitated. The new season imports are all Finnish, two forwards, Janne Lehti and Ari Arvila, and a big welcome back to Vesa Pennanen, our super goalminder.

“We shall be seeing our flying Finns once the new season starts. Meanwhile we must concentrate on the selection of the remainder of the team. May we wish all our lads the best of luck tonight and in their future endeavours to find a team slot.”